Responsible Kenneth Wyrick
Last Update 06/09/2023
Completion Time 50 minutes
Members 1
Survey Essentials | Odoo Surveys

Learn everything you need to grow your business with Odoo, the best open-source management software to run a company at In this video, you'll learn how to quickly and easily create informative, engaging, and truly beautiful surveys that you can give to your customers and/or employees. Learn all about Odoo's user-friendly interface, amazing features, and Survey templates that can help anyone build brilliant surveys in just a few clicks. Need more information about Odoo apps? Discover Odoo, schedule a demo, or start your own Odoo revolution for free (no credit card required), at

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Survey Essentials | Odoo Surveys

Learn everything you need to grow your business with Odoo, the best open-source management software to run a company at In this video, you'll learn how to quickly and easily create informative, engaging, and truly beautiful surveys that you can give to your customers and/or employees. Learn all about Odoo's user-friendly interface, amazing features, and Survey templates that can help anyone build brilliant surveys in just a few clicks. Need more information about Odoo apps? Discover Odoo, schedule a demo, or start your own Odoo revolution for free (no credit card required), at