The Democratic Party is a dog and pony show.
Sure, our stockholders are a case of the tail wagging the dog.
You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.
We’ll never admit that President Donald Trump was a lame duck.
A fish that keeps its mouth shut will not get caught.
The only way to find out what they’re thinking is to go on a
fishing expedition. Just play possum.
An army of sheep led by a lion is more formative than an army of lions
led by a sheep. Laws catch flies, but let hornets go free.
Ignore their harebrained ideas.
When I see homosexuals being affectionate I get madder
than a wet hen. When we take over Congress we’ll go
whole hog.
Wild horses couldn’t make me change my mind.
Steve Bannon was hung by a kangaroo court.
© Valerie Shaw, M.PR
© Valerie Shaw, M.PR